

  • Serap Erdoğan
  • Nalan Kuru Turaşlı
  • Mehmet Toran


Dear readers,

In April 2018, we continue our exciting journey with the first issue of the second volume of the Early Childhood Studies Journal (JECS) by taking place in international indexes with our scientifically rich content.

The Journal of Early Childhood Studies has begun to be indexed by DOAJ, BASE, Index Copernicus International, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Turkish Education Index, Science Library Index and Scientific Indexing Service from the second issue of the first volume. In addition to these, evaluation process of other national and international index application continue.

Journal of Early Childhood Studies, which accepts scientific ethics and principles as a basic reference, has a vision to contribute to early childhood studies in Turkey and in the world by keeping public benefits at a high level. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, which accepts scientific studies with this vision, also recognizes the duty of sharing your valuable scientific research with the public and initiating scientific discussions that will contribute to early childhood studies. Depending on this task and responsibility, original research and review articles conducted in the field of early childhood studies are accepted with the double-blind review process.

Moreover, Journal of Early Childhood Studies in which the full text of the papers presented at international congresses involved in publication after the double-blind review process achieved to attract attention of researchers both in Turkey and in abroad. Thus, it has been planned to publish the Volume 2 Issue 2: The 5th International Early Childhood Education Congress as first special issue on May 2018.

Dear readers and researchers,

While we regard your preference for sharing your original scientific research and review articles with the public in the Journal of Early Childhood Studies, your original scientific research and review articles are accepted for Volume 2, Issue 3, planned for publication in October 2018.

Thank you for your interest in Journal of Early Childhood Studies.

Editorial Board



How to Cite

Erdoğan, S., Kuru Turaşlı, N., & Toran, M. (2018). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 2(1), 1–2. Retrieved from https://journalofomepturkey.org/index.php/eccd/article/view/82




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