

  • Serap Erdoğan Anadolu University, Turkey
  • Nalan Kuru Turaşlı
  • Mehmet Toran


Dear researchers, teachers and education volunteers,

I am very glad to say "hello" to you with the first issue of Journal of Early Childhood Studies that belongs to Association for the Development of Early Childhood Education in Turkey.

The story of Journal of Early Childhood Studies started in our first meeting of board of directors on April 2016 in Misse village at Bursa. In that meeting, so many things were talked about but the idea of a journal excited us more.

It is honor to address you with the first issue of Journal of Early Childhood Studies by celebrating the beginning of one of our projects that we plan to do for early childhood education in our country. What we need the most during these days is to invest in children who are the future of our country. We keep going on to take steps for this aim by not giving up. With the first issue of Journal of Early Childhood Studies that includes interdisciplinary qualitative and quantitative studies relevant to early childhood period, these studies were involved in.

I would like to conclude with the words of Mürüvvet Avni Özkan, the founder of our association, the editor of the Preschool Education Journal started to be published in 1968 and published 48 issues till 1994:

“The education requirement in our country starts only with primary school children. In other countries, the first stage of education constitutes pre-school education. We are issuing this bulletin to announce the 3-6 age problem to parents and parents. Association for the development of pre-school education in Turkey It is an association organized to announce the importance of education for children aged between 3 and 6 all over Turkey. We invite all of you to help us run this case.”

Serap Erdogan, PhD.

Editor in Cheif



How to Cite

Erdoğan, S., Kuru Turaşlı, N., & Toran, M. (2017). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 1(1), 1–2. Retrieved from https://journalofomepturkey.org/index.php/eccd/article/view/27




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