

  • Serap Erdoğan
  • Nalan Kuru Turaşlı
  • Mehmet Toran


Dear readers,

In our exciting journey with the first issue of Journal of Early Childhood Studies (JECS) in April 2017, now we are pleased to share our second issue having scientifically rich content with you.

Journal of Early Childhood Studies, which accepts scientific ethics and principles as a basic reference, has a vision to contribute to early childhood studies in Turkey and in the world, by keeping public benefits at a high level. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, which accepts scientific studies with this vision, also recognizes the duty of sharing valuable scientific research of yours with the public and initiating scientific discussions that will contribute to early childhood studies. Depending on this task and responsibility, original research and review articles conducted in the field of early childhood studies are accepted with the double-blind review process.

We share eight unique research articles and two review articles that we believe in their contribution to the field of early childhood studies in the second issue of the first volume of the Journal of Early Childhood Studies with you esteemed readers.

In this issue, you will find an original research aimed at determining material value level of children and examining them in terms of demographic variables and another original research aimed at assessing children's narrative skills and examining them with socio-cultural perspective. Moreover, there is an original research aimed at investigating opinions of preschool teacher and preservice preschool teachers on the assessment of preschool children. In addition to this, there are two other original researches that examined parenting attitudes in child rearing in terms of different variables, as well as an original research that investigated architectural plan schema and typological structure of independent kindergartens. We believe that the original research for the development of the child participation awareness scale will provide important contributions to the field of early childhood research, which is available to use of all researchers. One of the original researches in this issue aims to examine the social problem solving skills of preschool children in terms of various variables while the other examines the effects of play-based learning activities on the environmental awareness of preschool children.

In addition, review articles in this issue of the Journal of Early Childhood Studies emphasize the "play" theme, highlighting the special importance of play in early childhood and education, and shed light on new debates about play and child.

Dear readers and researchers,

While we regard your preference for sharing your original scientific research and review articles with the public in the Journal of Early Childhood Studies, your original scientific research and review articles are accepted for Volume 2, Issue 1, planned for publication in April 2018.

Thank you for your interest in Journal of Early Childhood Studies.

Editorial Board



How to Cite

Erdoğan, S., Kuru Turaşlı, N., & Toran, M. (2017). Editorial. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 1(2), v-vi. Retrieved from https://journalofomepturkey.org/index.php/eccd/article/view/43




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