Validity and reliability study ofthe Preschool Emotion Regulation Scale



Okul Öncesi Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği, Duygu Düzenleme, 48-72 Aylık Çocuklar


This study, which aims to develop a measurement tool to assess the emotion regulation skills of preschool children, was designed using a descriptive survey model. The study group comprised 294 children aged 48-72 months. It was determined that the Content Validity Index of the Preschool Emotion Regulation Scale developed was 0.67, the item-total correlation values were appropriate, and that the scale provides the criteria required to prove validity. The total Cronbach Alpha value was found to be 0.93. There was a significant difference between the lower and upper groups for all items of the scale, which provided item discrimination. It was determined that there is a high-level, positive, and significant relationship between test-retest scores of the scale, which provides the strength of agreement between raters. Accordingly, the Preschool Emotion Regulation Scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool.


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How to Cite

Yılmaz, H., & Zembat, R. (2021). Validity and reliability study ofthe Preschool Emotion Regulation Scale . Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 5(2), 526–551.