About the Journal

Journal of Early Childhood Studies is a double-blind, peer-reviewed online scientific journal published by the Turkish Association for Early Childhood Education Development. Journal of Early Childhood Studies; While it includes original qualitative and quantitative research with an interdisciplinary perspective directly related to early childhood, it gives priority to original scientific research.

Journal of Early Childhood Studies;

  • It publishes two issues a year, the spring and fall issues, as well as a special issue once a year to quickly share scientific studies with the public.
  • It does not charge for the works that will be uploaded and published in the system.
  • In order to accept scientific studies, you must be registered.
  • You can access the writing format from the author's guidelines.
  • All works to be uploaded to the system must be anonymous.
  • When uploading your work to the system, specify the type of research (Ex: Research Article, Review, etc.)

Research accepted for publication in the Journal of Early Childhood Studies is assigned a DOI® number.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is obligatory to add the ORCID numbers during author registration and article submission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is mandatory that all co-authors of the candidate article are registered in the system during manuscript submission. This is the responsibility of the author applying for a candidate article. Authors will not be added later.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For full-text English articles and extended abstracts that have been evaluated and accepted, proofreading is required before printing. You can upload the document showing that you have had proofreading to the system as a "Proofreading File", or you can send it to the address eccd.jecs@gmail.com by specifying your article application number.


Menuscript Template

Author guidelines