Early childhood education teachers and administrators experices of Covid-19 pandemic: Interpretative phenomenological analysis




Pandemi, erken çocuklukta uzaktan eğitim, öğretmenler, okul müdürleri


This study aimed to examine the distance education experiences of early childhood education teachers and administrators during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The participants of the study consisted of 32 preschool teachers and eight school principals. A qualitative phenomenological design was used as a research method and the data was collected through online interview forms and semi-structured phone interviews. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyze interview data. According to the findings, the participants experienced the pandemic in the form of contrasting emotions replaced by "relaxation-excessive anxiety". The research results showed that some of the participants put forward three different visions in the context of the sustainability of distance education: using it as support for formal education, enriching distance education platforms in terms of access and content, improving teachers' technology and distance education competencies.


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How to Cite

Işıkoğlu, N., Adak Özdemir, A., Altun, M., & Ergenekon, E. (2021). Early childhood education teachers and administrators experices of Covid-19 pandemic: Interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 5(2), 567–590. https://doi.org/10.24130/eccdjecs.1967202152341

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