The determination of conditions of learning centers in preschool classrooms and the analysis of teachers’ views on learning centers


  • Oya Ramazan
  • Hande Arslan Çiftçi İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Temel Eğitim Bölümü, Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği AbD
  • Merve Tezel


Preschool classroom, learning centers, preschool teachers, free play


The aim of this study is to determine the conditions of learning centers in preschool classrooms and to examine teachers' views on learning centers. The research was conducted through case study model of qualitative research methods. Ten preschool classrooms in 7 different kindergartens and 10 preschool teachers working in these preschool classrooms were included in the study group. The data were collected by observation and interview technique. It was found that learning centers and the materials/toys in the learning centers are not in sufficient number and variety; children use the most block center and dramatic play center; science and nature, music and book centers are the least used centers; girls prefer the most dramatic play and art center, while boys prefer the most block center. In addition, teachers who do not find the learning centers in their classroom sufficient indicated that it is because the school has financial incapability and for this reason they bring materials or toys from their home to the classroom or buy themselves or that they sometimes change learning centers or ask for support from the parents. Teachers also indicated that teachers’ role in free play should be the most observer, guide and onlooker respectively and the least participant. In light of these findings, it can be suggested that learning centers should be organized based on children’s needs and interests and flexible and adaptable, new materials should be added to centers every 2-4 weeks, science and nature and math centers should be included, natural environment and recycling materials should be used and gender non-stereotypic toys and materials should be promoted.



How to Cite

Ramazan, O., Arslan Çiftçi, H., & Tezel, M. (2018). The determination of conditions of learning centers in preschool classrooms and the analysis of teachers’ views on learning centers. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 2(2), 213–233.