
Investigation of the effect of the Montessori educator training program on educators' competencies regarding Montessori approach



Montessori eğitimi, Montessori yaklaşımı, Montessori eğitimcisi, Montessori eğitimcisinin nitelikleri


The research was conducted with 56 educators (28 experimental and 28 control group) in order to evaluate the effect of the Montessori Educator Training Program (METP) on the competencies of the Montessori approach. The research was carried out in experimental design. In experimental process, the METP was applied to the experimental group. Findings revealed that there was no significant difference between the pretests of groups; but also a significant difference between the posttests. And it’s also showed that there is a significant difference; however, there was no significant difference between the pretest and posttests of control group. These findings showed that Program is effective on the thoughts, feelings and behaviors related to Montessori philosophy. Findings, it can be suggested that the trainings should be disseminated and that the trainings should be given by people who have knowledge of Montessori philosophy and practice and who have received training from international organizations.


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How to Cite

Aral, N., Yurteri Tiryaki, A., Fındık, E., Çetin Sultanoğlu, S., Beker, E., Yıldız Bıçakçı, M., & Özdoğan Özbal, E. (2022). Investigation of the effect of the Montessori educator training program on educators’ competencies regarding Montessori approach. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 6(1), 5–22.



Research Articles