A study on the effect of motor development support program conducted on 36-47 month children and mothers on the motor development of children



  • Taşkın Taştepe Ankara Üniversitesi
  • Aysel Köksal Akyol Ankara Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Çocuk Gelişimi Bölümü


Motor development support Program, Gross motor, Fine motor, Preschool


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the motor development support programs conducted on 36-47 month-old children and mothers with children of this age group on motor development of children and to compare the effects of the program conducted on the children and the program conducted on the the mothers. The sample group of the study consisted of 13 children of 36-43 months (experimental group-I), 10 mothers with 36-43 month-old children (experimental group-II) and 12 children of 36-43 months (control group). The data were collected by means of using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2. Experimental group-I was applied the motor development support program for children (MDSP-C) while experimental group-II was applied the motor development support program for mothers (MDSP-M). As a result of the study, it was determined that the score increase in both the stationary subtest and gross motor quotient of the children was caused by the motor development support programs (MDSP-C & MDSP-M), yet the experimental procedures did not provide any advantages compared to each other. It was also determined that neither MDSP-C nor MDSP-M had any effects in increasing the locomotion, object manipulation, grasping, visual-motor integration and fine motor scores of the children.


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How to Cite

Taştepe, T., & Köksal Akyol, A. (2020). A study on the effect of motor development support program conducted on 36-47 month children and mothers on the motor development of children. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 4(3), 858–880. https://doi.org/10.24130/eccd-jecs.1967202043274



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