



Social media has become more important than ever before in human history. It is necessary to describe the reflection of Instagram, which is one of the social media accounts that produce content especially for early childhood development and education, on parents and teachers, in terms of revealing both the content of Instagram accounts and the knowledge, interests and expectations of parents and teachers. This study is aimed to examine the reflections of the accounts that share on the early childhood development and education, followed by 14 parents and 8 preschool teachers, on parents and teachers. The study is "phenomenology " research designed with the qualitative research method. The findings show that parents and teachers often follow Instagram accounts to get information and have fun with children. The expectation of the Instagram accounts followed by parents and teachers is that the communication language is straightforward and the accounts offer viable suggestions.



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How to Cite

Çimen Erdoğan, S. ., Kaptan, N., Somuncu Çoksağır, B., & Sarıoğlan, S. (2022). Türkçe. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 6(3), 582–611. https://doi.org/10.24130/eccdjecs.1967202263441



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