Evaluating the awareness of child paticipation for pre-serves teachers




Child, Children’s Rights, Child Participation, United Nations Convention on Childrens’ Rights, Participation, Participation Right of Child


The Fundamentals of respect towards human rights is set by respecting the rights of the child. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNCRC is a complete statement of children's rights ever produced and is the most widely ratified international human rights treaty in history (UNICEF, 2004). Turkey signed this Convention in 1990 and the amendments regarding the understanding, approach and implementations towards children and childhood went into effect in 1995. A possible approach to make the participation rights more visible, reachable, and applicable by the children is to make the notion more concrete. In order to achieve this, the child-centered approach that takes the children into the primary focus should be adopted by the educational environments. Since teachers are the individuals who set an example and create the proper environment for the children to gain consciousness of their fundamental rights, their awareness of children's right to participate is important before starting the profession is very important. Hence, this research only focuses on the awareness of child participation in pre-service teachers and evaluates their awareness based on variables as gender, and education field in the frame of children rights.   Three hundred twenty-three pre-service teachers studying in the faculty of education in a public university are included. Child participation awareness scale (CPAS) is used to collect the data. The general awareness of child participation of pre-service teachers is found to be lower than expected.


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How to Cite

Yüksel, B., & Yazıcı, Z. (2019). Evaluating the awareness of child paticipation for pre-serves teachers. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 3(2), 457–477. https://doi.org/10.24130/eccd-jecs.1967201932169



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