
Preschool Mathematics Teaching Knowledge Test: Adaptation and implementation study



pedagojik alan bilgisi


Different policies for training teachers have been implemented in Turkey to date. In this context, non-educational faculty graduates are also given the opportunity to become teachers. The present study aimed to investigate the mathematics teaching knowledge of student teachers or graduates of the child development department of the health sciences faculty who registered in the pedagogical formation certification program and student teachers from the preschool education department of educational faculties. In line with these aims, the preschool mathematics teaching knowledge test developed by Smith (1998) was adapted into Turkish. In this regard, the linguistic equivalence study was carried out with 64 prospective teachers at two stages. A total of 480 prospective teachers from six different universities participated in the reliability and validity studies. The results revealed that the mathematics teaching knowledge of prospective preschool teachers according to the educated programs does not vary significantly.


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How to Cite

Akdeniz, K., & Şimşek, N. (2022). Preschool Mathematics Teaching Knowledge Test: Adaptation and implementation study. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 6(1), 102–131.



Research Articles