Pedagogical aspects of family functioning
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Children’s rights, Children’s well-being, Educational outcomes, Family dynamics, Family functions, Family structure, FlexibilityÖzet
Social functioning consequently affects the functioning of the family. Respecting the personality and autonomy of the individual, the connection between the quality of family functioning and educational outcomes of children cannot be neglected. The pedagogical influence of the family on the individual is recognisable by the adopted value orientations and social norms; models of behaviour; learning strategies; ways of distributing power and taking responsibility; by communication and ways of solving problem situations, as well as flexibility and expressiveness. Understanding family functions (economic, socio-emotional, religious, reproductive etc.) and their simultaneous impact on children, it is unjustified to interpret their educational outcomes based on separated aspects of family functioning. The purpose of this paper was to gather relevant researches which indicate that a number of latent and intervening variables are associated with children's educational outcomes, making the family a nonlinear dynamic system. Changes and children's outcomes are certain, but not easily predictable.
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