The guidance services in kindergartens: determination views of guide and school counselors



In the study, it was aimed to reveal the views of psychological counselors and guidance counselors on guidance services provided in kindergartens. In this direction, the study was designed as basic qualitative research. The participants consisted of 12 psychological counselors and guidance counselors working in kindergartens. As a result of the analysis of the semi-structured interviews, it was understood that the teachers had problems in establishing healthy communication with the preschool age group, that they generally worked on privacy and behaviour problems, that they also supported preschool teachers on these issues, and that preschool teachers expected support from them in behaviour problems and inclusion studies. It was also observed that they have expectations from preschool teachers in terms of cooperation and active observation. It was suggested that making necessary arrangements to support psychological counselors and guidance counselors working in the field could be effective.


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How to Cite

Bolattaş Gürbüz, F., & Özer, N. (2023). The guidance services in kindergartens: determination views of guide and school counselors. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 7(2), 125–142.



Research Articles