An investigation of postgraduate theses on emotion regulation in preschool period in Turkey



This study aims to provide a holistic perspective on the subject by examining the postgraduate theses on emotion regulation in the preschool period in terms of a year, university, type, method, data analysis techniques, measurement tools, sample, and keywords. The data source of the study, which was designed in a qualitative research model, consisted of postgraduate theses written between 2011-2021. Descriptive analysis was used to analyse the data. As a result, it was seen that most of the postgraduate theses on emotion regulation in the preschool period were designed only with quantitative research methods, and qualitative research methods were not used at all. In addition, it was determined that the majority of the theses included only preschool children as the study group, and scales were predominantly used as measurement tools. The keywords of these theses were mostly emotion, emotion socialisation, emotion regulation skills, temperament, play, and the mother-child relationship.


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How to Cite

Çandır, T., & Filiz, S. (2023). An investigation of postgraduate theses on emotion regulation in preschool period in Turkey. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 7(1), 25–45.



Research Articles