Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının uzaktan eğitim sürecine ilişkin görüşleri




The aim of this study is to reveal the evaluations of pre-school teacher candidates about distance education. The study planned with a case study, one of the qualitative research methods.  The study group was formed by using homogeneous sampling method, one of the purposive sampling methods, and 100 pre-school teacher candidates participated in the study. The data of the study were collected by semi-structured interview and analyzed with the MAXQDA 2020 program. In the study, the problems experienced in the distance education process, the benefits of distance education, the effect of distance education on field courses, the change of thoughts about distance education, the effect of distance education on peer interaction were tried to be determined. It has been concluded that pre-school teacher candidates generally have difficulties in the distance education process, they especially evaluate participation in applied courses negatively, but they provide economic benefits in this process.



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How to Cite

Dereli-İman, E., & Deli, H. (2022). Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının uzaktan eğitim sürecine ilişkin görüşleri. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 6(3), 530–557. https://doi.org/10.24130/eccdjecs.1967202263450



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