An investigation of the effects of the covid-19 process on children's play and movement needs in terms of parents' views and child drawings



Abstract:  Considering the importance of play in in children's lives, the question of how play is affected in terms of its developmental effects, arises with the changing conditions in the pandemic process. In this research, how the play and movement needs of children are affected during the covid-19 process has been examined through interviews with parents and children's pictures. The research is a case study based on qualitative research method. It was carried out with 30 children aged 3-6 and their parents in the Famagusta district of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, in the period covering January-June 2021. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the physical mobility of children, playgrounds and meeting with their friends were restricted during the pandemic process. It has been determined that children's play times are prolonged during the pandemic process and parents can participate more in their children's games.


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How to Cite

Gökayaz, S., & Yazgın, E. (2022). An investigation of the effects of the covid-19 process on children’s play and movement needs in terms of parents’ views and child drawings. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 6(3), 668–692.



Research Articles